from A to Z in alphabetical Order
by Anura 'Bold Coast' Guruge

Legend: Underlined = Link   Bold = Entry in this Wiki   P = Park/Preserve   B = Beach   📸 = Photo in Gallery  💲 = Fee   = Highly Recommended


Acadia -- Acadia (with its famous National Park) is about 50 miles southwest of the Bold Coast (along Maine's Downeast). The section of the Park in Schoodic Peninsula is the most adjacent. Though geologically related, the Bold Coast is not a part of Acadia (or vice versa). They complement each other heightening your appreciation of both. If you can you need to visit both (though not necessarily in one trip). P B 💲 📸


Bailey's Mistake -- A languid cove in South Trescott with a public beach & boat ramp. The beach & boat ramp, referred to as Wallace Cove is a Public Preserve -- one of the 5 Preserves that make up the Bold Coast, along with the Quoddy Head State Park. Wallace Cove, by far, is the smallest (& the newest (i.e., as of 2018)) of the Preserves. Though there are some rocks on one side of the beach, this cove does not offer the dramatic elevated coastal views that define the Bold Coast.  P B
'Bailey' was an hapless, early 19th century Bostonian sea captain who was bound to Lubec but took a wrong left-turn in thick fog. Some of the survivors of the wreck opted to settle locally.

Bailey's Mistake -- with beach at low tide.

Bog Brook Cove Preserve -- One of the 5 public preserves that makes up the Bold Coast. It, like 3 of the other Bold Coast preserves, is under the stewardship of the Maine Coastal Heritage Trust (MCHT). It, with 1,500 acres, is the second biggest of the 6 Bold Coast properties.

Bold Coast -- A 15-mile stretch of spectacular scenic beauty, at the very end of Maine's fabled Downeastbetween Cutler Coast Public Land (east of Cutler) and Quoddy Head State Park (in Lubec). The Bold Coast is made up of 5 public preserves (4 quite large, and the other a small beach/boat ramp area), and a State Park.    📸
These 6 Bold Coast properties, from south to north, are: Cutler Coast Public Land, Bog Brook Cove Preserve (which has two distinct sections & entrances: Norse Pond and Moose Cove), Bailey’s Mistake (beach & boat ramp), Boot Head Preserve, Hamilton Cove Preserve, and Quoddy Head State Park.
The name 'Bold Coast' has nautical origins and refers to a shoreline that rises abruptly from the water. This name was initially used to refer to the area that is now the Cutler Coast Public Land.